The Biggest Problem With Your Hiring Process

Of all the technicians I've worked with as a manager, I only retained four whom I hired. All three maxed out their write-ups and spent time on probation. The others left either because they wanted to or had to (i.e., I fired them). The worst case was a bilingual candidate who looked great on paper. He showed up on time and interviewed well. After a month of decent work, the honeymoon phase faded. He began slacking off. He slouched during company meetings. He pouted whenever people disagreed with his ideas. Six months later, he was gone.

If I'm such a good judge of character, you would think my success rate would have been higher. I thought of myself as a skilled interviewer. I had questions which would go beyond what applicants presented to me. They were supposed to reveal candidates' true character, so I could avoid bad hires. Of the good hires I made, I thought I treated them well enough so they would stick around long term.

If you're involved in hiring, does this resonate with you?

My biggest problem? Myself.

The solution I wish I had in place is the one I'm proposing to you: Talent optimization.

Talent optimization is a data-driven, scientific process. This method ranks candidates based their actual selves, not how they present themselves. It is not subject to the blind spots or implicit bias we humans have. This means you can be confident you're hiring the right people from the start. Once you have the right people, talent optimization keeps them engaged and excited.

Talent optimization cuts down employee turnover. It also increases company morale, leading to the business results you want!

Can you imagine what your life would be like if you woke up each day, excited to go to work? And knowing you would reach your goals? How would that make you feel?

If you're tired of tolerating subpar work and lost productivity, schedule a call today. Find out how talent optimization can help you get and inspire the right team for your company.

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Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.

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