1.      Don’t wait for things to break before you react. Have a better warning system in place.

2.      Experiencing rejection is better than hoping for approval. Embrace the value of feedback, no matter how unpleasant.

3.      Would you rather disappoint others or yourself? Sacrifice isn’t always noble. Say “no” upfront if you aren’t on board. Or at least have the courage to express your desires and discuss them.

4.      Health is hard to get back once you lose it. Make a daily conscious choice to protect it through diet, exercise, or other disciplined habits.

5.      You don’t have to solve every problem. Choose which ones are worth your time, energy, and effort to deal with. If you feel uncomfortable leaving problems unresolved, at least ask for help.

6.      Family is there for you, no matter how annoying. Be gracious with their sometimes-unrealistic expectations.

7.      Don’t confuse busy for productive. Either delegate the shallower tasks or drop them altogether.

8.      Find the balance between initiative and patience. Getting mad over something beyond your control wastes your time, energy, and focus.

9.      Don’t let others’ tantrums keep you from doing what’s necessary. Following through with discipline or dismissal is your choice and commitment.

10. Not everyone will “get” you. If you like your life, you won’t miss them.

11. If you’re not getting the results you want, you can always change. Take the first step.

12. The world doesn’t owe you anything just because you think highly of yourself. If you want something enough, make the ask.

13. If you don’t say “no” by design, you’ll be saying “no” by default. Don’t let good opportunities crowd out the great ones.

14. Even if no one rejects you, you will have to reject others. Accept that rejection is a necessary part of life.

15. Embrace the struggle of improving. Be intentional in finding and embracing the tough and necessary lessons.

16. Beating yourself up doesn’t undo your mistakes, nor is it a badge of honor. How you encourage your friends is the same way to encourage yourself.

17. Choose not to let fears keep you from acting. Set the bar low and clear it.

18. One way to slow life down is to learn. Visit a new country, learn a new language, meet new people, or try a new skill.

19. Finding safe places to experiment is how you remove the fear of failure. List a few places you can do so.

20. You’d be surprised how many people would be happy to hear from you. When in doubt, reach out.

21. Self-pity is an easy trap to fall into. Make the conscious choice to become better, not bitter.

22. Being your best self in service to others removes guilt from self-advocacy. Establish and maintain boundaries to recharge yourself.

23. Your systems will eventually become obsolete. Be ready and excited to innovate.

24. Life is more fragile than we’d like to admit. Challenge your physical limits without becoming reckless.

Want to talk about these in more detail? Feel free to schedule a complimentary call.

Jerry Fu

I am a conflict resolution coach for Asian leaders.


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