Visit my blog for life hacks and commentary on useful literature. Like what you read and want to discuss more? Schedule a call!

How NOT to Get Re-Hired
Steve left a job in a huff after being told he wasn’t performing, but found out that the grass wasn’t greener when he went to the other side. When he tried to go back, he was basically told he would have to wait his turn while other candidates were being considered for his old position. Read on to learn what Steve should’ve done differently - and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.

24 Lessons from 2024
What did you learn in 2024, and how will you act on those lessons? The two biggest mistakes people make are either to not reflect or to do nothing about them. Here’s my list of lessons and applications in the hope that you’ll be inspired to do the same. Let’s make 2025 a year of truly tangible transformation!

My Book List from 2024
Leaders are readers, and knowledge is power! Applying knowledge you don’t yet have is a futile endeavor. In an era that seems busier than ever, more people seem to think they have no time to read. For the ones who recognize that reading has to be a priority no matter how busy life may get, here are some more titles for you to consider. And feel free to comment with your own!

Lesson 10: Control Your Narrative
Do you realize how much you define your own reality? What are the stories you’re telling yourself? What are the stories you’re telling others? Do you even believe what you’re telling them? The sooner you acknowledge your opportunity to craft a better narrative to live by and knowing how to keep destructive narratives from taking a toll on you or your relationships, the sooner you can start the transformation process. This blog post will show you how.

Lesson 8: Believe In Your Ability To Improve
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.

Lesson 2: Failure Is A Friend, Not A Foe
Failure can seem fatal at times, but it is up to you to decide whether or not it is final. True, no one likes disappointing or upsetting others as we grow. And yet, if we look closely enough, the experience that seems so undesirable and painful is actually the very thing that shows us the way forward. Grades are just one sign of failure aversion. Read more to see how Ryan managed to rewrite his story on failure to set himself up for long-term success.

Blog Post Series: The Top 10 Lessons I Wish I Knew Starting Out as an Asian Leader
Want to boost your effectiveness as a new leader? The first lesson is to embrace self-encouragement. In this post, we explore how Henry learned to stop beating himself up over mistakes early in his leadership journey, going from self-doubt to self-assurance by responding better to his inner critic.

Meet Sarah: A Leader's Journey to Transformation
At the beginning of the new year, Sarah had resolved to be a more effective lead nurse at her hospital. After 3 months, she was struggling to stay resolved to the promise she made to herself. Here’s how she got back on track.

Don’t Let Your Dreams Die In February
Did your New Year’s Resolutions already flame out? You’re not the only one. Whatever you do, don’t sweep them under the rug and abandon them. Consider these three insights to make sure you don’t settle for the status quo or let shame get the best of you.
Steve left a job in a huff after being told he wasn’t performing, but found out that the grass wasn’t greener when he went to the other side. When he tried to go back, he was basically told he would have to wait his turn while other candidates were being considered for his old position. Read on to learn what Steve should’ve done differently - and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.