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Lesson 8: Believe In Your Ability To Improve
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.
Lesson 7: Know When To Meet Expectations Or Break Them
Do family and cultural expectations place the weight of the world on your shoulders? Anyone can appreciate how establishing standards helps develop people - to an extent. But what happens after the standards become less clear for certain aspects of life? Maybe John's journey will offer some useful insights and suggestions.
Three ways to expand your thinking
Until you focus on opportunities and possibilities, don’t expect anything to happen. Change starts in your head before it can show up anywhere else.
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.