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Lesson 8: Believe In Your Ability To Improve
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.
My top 5 books from 2022
In an endless sea of books to read, which ones are worth your time and effort? Here are five titles to really stretch your mind in 2023.
What Goes into Asking a Powerful Question?
Asking powerful questions improves your leadership ability and strengthens your relationships. Here are some tips on how to do this well.
Three ways to expand your thinking
Until you focus on opportunities and possibilities, don’t expect anything to happen. Change starts in your head before it can show up anywhere else.
What did you learn in 2024, and how will you act on those lessons? The two biggest mistakes people make are either to not reflect or to do nothing about them. Here’s my list of lessons and applications in the hope that you’ll be inspired to do the same. Let’s make 2025 a year of truly tangible transformation!