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Lesson 4: Relearn Effective Communication

Lesson 4: Relearn Effective Communication

Ever try leading with hints? How did that work out for you and your team? If there is a discrepancy between what you say and how others interpret it, learn from Brian’s story as he goes from frustration to clarity.

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Blog Post Series: The Top 10 Lessons I Wish I Knew Starting Out as an Asian Leader

Blog Post Series: The Top 10 Lessons I Wish I Knew Starting Out as an Asian Leader

Want to boost your effectiveness as a new leader? The first lesson is to embrace self-encouragement. In this post, we explore how Henry learned to stop beating himself up over mistakes early in his leadership journey, going from self-doubt to self-assurance by responding better to his inner critic.

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Unpaid Endorsement: The All Ears English Podcast

Unpaid Endorsement: The All Ears English Podcast

Learning English is important for anyone who wants to lead across cultures. But the skill means little if you don’t use it to speak up in difficult situations. On our All Ears English podcast episode, join Lindsay and me as we discuss how to navigate conflicts as a global leader.

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