Visit my blog for life hacks and commentary on useful literature. Like what you read and want to discuss more? Schedule a call!
LinkedIn Live: Relearning Lunar New Year
Are you excited about Lunar New Year? Or are you dreading it for the emotions it triggers? Join us for a FREE opportunity to share your thoughts on how to best celebrate the past in order to better inform our futures.
Unpaid Endorsement: The Nature Breakthroughs Podcast
In this episode of the Nature Breakthroughs podcast, Dr. Ben Goldman and I discuss the consequences of failed conflict resolution.
Unpaid Endorsement: The Unlimited Potential Show
The Unlimited Potential Show has great hosts, dialogue, and content for all your self-improvement needs!
3 Ways to Work Yourself Out of a Job
Ready to move on? Lining up your successor is the best way to leave. Here are some ideas to help you do that.
Three thoughts on problem prevention
What if there were a way to never have pandemics again? This requires a new level of thinking discussed in Upstream.
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.