Visit my blog for life hacks and commentary on useful literature. Like what you read and want to discuss more? Schedule a call!

Healthy and Unhealthy Conflict: How to Detect and Approach
All conflicts might feel uncomfortable, but not all conflicts are unhealthy. Being able to discern what kind of conflict you’re experiencing is the first step to determining how to handle it.

Unpaid Endorsement: The Nicholas Gregoriades Podcast
Whether physical or mental, conflict is never pleasant. No matter what that conflict, you can deal with it directly (best), delegate it to someone else (passive), or drop it (passive depending on how you approach). In any case, you have to have an effective belief system in place before you take any kind of action.

Unpaid Endorsement: The Level Up Tribes Podcast
Conflict at work never seems to go away. This is just one more ongoing opportunity to level up your life! Let Agnes Goodwine help you with this challenge and others with episodes from her podcast, Level Up Tribes. You can check out our specific conversation on work conflict here.
Unpaid Endorsement: The Convos With Clay Podcast
Do you wonder why stepping out in faith can’t be easier? Because the action itself reveals a conflict between the comfort you prefer and what you know you need to do to strengthen your faith. The tiebreaker is action. Join me and Clay on his podcast to dig a little deeper in the topic of conflict resolution and faith.

Unpaid Endorsement: The All Ears English Podcast
Learning English is important for anyone who wants to lead across cultures. But the skill means little if you don’t use it to speak up in difficult situations. On our All Ears English podcast episode, join Lindsay and me as we discuss how to navigate conflicts as a global leader.

Unpaid Endorsement: The Sex, Drugs, and Jesus Podcast
In order to resolve conflict effectively, you have to start by putting the difficult topics up for discussion to begin with. In my conversation with De’Vannon Hubert on the Sex, Drugs, and Jesus podcast, we discuss church experiences people tend to avoid talking about.

The Top 5 Consequences Of Avoiding Relationship Conflict
Many people don’t think about what avoiding conflict costs them. Learn the top five consequences of staying comfortable and a way to remove your hesitation.
Steve left a job in a huff after being told he wasn’t performing, but found out that the grass wasn’t greener when he went to the other side. When he tried to go back, he was basically told he would have to wait his turn while other candidates were being considered for his old position. Read on to learn what Steve should’ve done differently - and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.