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Lesson 2: Failure Is A Friend, Not A Foe
Failure can seem fatal at times, but it is up to you to decide whether or not it is final. True, no one likes disappointing or upsetting others as we grow. And yet, if we look closely enough, the experience that seems so undesirable and painful is actually the very thing that shows us the way forward. Grades are just one sign of failure aversion. Read more to see how Ryan managed to rewrite his story on failure to set himself up for long-term success.

My top 5 books from 2022
In an endless sea of books to read, which ones are worth your time and effort? Here are five titles to really stretch your mind in 2023.
Steve left a job in a huff after being told he wasn’t performing, but found out that the grass wasn’t greener when he went to the other side. When he tried to go back, he was basically told he would have to wait his turn while other candidates were being considered for his old position. Read on to learn what Steve should’ve done differently - and how you can avoid making the same mistakes.