Visit my blog for life hacks and commentary on useful literature. Like what you read and want to discuss more? Schedule a call!
Three ways to expand your thinking
Until you focus on opportunities and possibilities, don’t expect anything to happen. Change starts in your head before it can show up anywhere else.
Five ways to turn up your charm level
Learn how to develop charisma, which isn’t as elusive as you may think.
What if your help isn’t really helping?
No good deed goes unpunished, especially if your work keeps people from getting better on their own. In When Healthcare Hurts, learn how international clinics can cause more problems than they solve.
Four tips for working well with introverts
In Quiet, Susan Cain talks about her life experience as an introvert and its inherent advantages.
Five steps to clearer communication
What you say might not be what people are hearing. The Four Conversations will help you bridge that gap.
Three tips when you know you have to cut bait
As much as you may want to “grit,” sometimes you have to know when to quit. In Necessary Endings, Dr. Cloud helps us figure out how to decisively quit when appropriate.
Four insights on grit from an ISIS rape survivor
In The Last Girl, Nadia Murad shares her story in the fight against ISIS.
Stop using carrots and sticks. Use these instead.
In “Drive,” Dan Pink suggests the best motivators are found within us, not outside of us.
Four principles for burnout recovery
In Breaking and Mending, Joanna Cannon walks us through her medical school journey and recounts how she reignited her passion for patient care.
Can a Sherpa help you lead better?
Learn how a Sherpa can improve your ability to lead in The 100X Leader.
You can design a life worth living
If you recognize that you are captain of your own ship, then you can embrace the opportunity to design a life worth living.
How's your thinking lately? What beliefs are fueling your actions? How are those working for you? This blog post is a little different. Because this time, it's personal. If you want to know how a changed mindset saved my pharmacy career, read on.